Thursday, April 16, 2020

Online gathering: Time for building hope and confidence

Most of us are going through a challenging time. A time when we can’t make most of the decisions, we would like to and have to keep aside most that we already made. In these uncertain times, let us come together to make the best of it, that we can.

What can you expect?
It is an informal time to come together and talk, despite the situation, about our best hopes, what is already working for us, what resource we can make use of and what are the signs of progress for our desired future.

Target participants: Anyone who seeks help to build hope and confidence

The medium of course: English& Malayalam

Duration of the program: 60-90 minutes

Method: Activity-based.

All you need is:
Access zoom application through your smartphone or computer along with a notepad and pen

The registered participants will receive a zoom meeting link to join the program. The first 20 registration will be given the first chance. Rest of the participants will receive communication regarding the next program date and time through the registered email address or Whatsapp number.

Date & time: Will be communicated through email/ WhatsApp at least two days in advance. (the first event will be on 17/04/2020)

Jaseem Koorankot, PhD, MCP
Asst. Professor of Clinical Psychology
Department of Clinical Psychology
Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS)
Govt. Medical College Campus, Kozhikode -08, Kerala, India.

Organised by:
Academy for Solution Focused Approach and Research (ASFAR), Kozhikode-08, Kerala, India,, +91 9539933211

Mind Weavers: Tailoring Psychological Wellbeing, Kozhikode-08, Kerala, India, +91 7592992233,

Solution Focused Approach in Crisis Management: COVID-19 Pandemic Context. Online Course

About the online course:
This is an online (ZOOM Application) course for the mental health professional to address the people who seek help during the lockdown or pandemic period. The course duration is 3 hours including supervision.

Target participants: Mental Health Professionals

The medium of course: English

Method: Lectures, role-plays and case discussions.

Requirement: Zoom application, laptop and high-speed Internet connection.

Entry: The registered participants will receive a zoom meeting link to join the course in your registered email address. People who register first will be served first. (maximum 40 participants per batch)

Date & Time: Will be communicated through email/ WhatsApp at least two days in advance.

Jaseem Koorankot, PhD
Asst. Professor of Clinical Psychology
Department of Clinical Psychology
Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS)
Govt. Medical College Campus, Kozhikode -08, Kerala, India.

Organised by:
Academy for Solution Focused Approach and Research (ASFAR), Kozhikode-08, Kerala, India,, +91 9539933211

Mind Weavers: Tailoring Psychological Wellbeing, Kozhikode-08, Kerala, India, +91 7592992233,

Friday, April 10, 2020

COVID-19 challenge: Empowering people through solution-focused conversation - Online Course

About the online course:
This is an online (ZOOM Application) course designed for the mental health professional to address the people who seek help during the lockdown or pandemic period. The course duration is 3 hours including supervision.

Target participants: Mental Health Professionals
The medium of course: English
Method: Lectures, role-plays and case discussions.

Requirement: Laptop and high-speed internet connection.
Entry: The registered participants will receive the online link to join the course on 11/04/2020. Entry to the course will be based on first-come, first-serve and the number of participants are limited (maximum 20).

Date: 11/04/2020
Time: 3.00 PM to 5. 00 PM + 30 minutes(x2) supervision (individual or group) in the following days.

Jaseem Koorankot, PhD
Asst. Professor of Clinical Psychology
Department of Clinical Psychology
Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS)
Govt. Medical College Campus, Kozhikode -08, Kerala, India.

Organised by:
Department of Clinical Psychology
Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS)
Govt. Medical College Campus, Kozhikode -08, Kerala, India.,, +91 7907940095

Supported by:
Academy for Solution Focused Approach and Research (ASFAR), Kozhikode-08, Kerala, India,, +91 9539933211

Click here to register for the online course

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Over the years Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS), Kozhikode has developed and implemented serval community-based intervention models in India. There are clinical service models suitable for resource-limited setting and have importance from a public mental health perspective. This document is a compendium of some of the projects and only the framework of the particular project. You are welcomed to have the finer details of these projects from the institute (IMHANS, Kozhikode) records and we welcome replication of the projects by other agencies with due acknowledgement.

Please click here to download the book

Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) Training

Do you know that a therapeutic conversation can also be a self-care conversation for the therapist? One of the unique features of Solution F...